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by digbickkid November 21, 2019
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"deez" "nuts" "big". These are all examples of words. When you put them after each other they make sense. These words are called a sentence. This particular sentence is true. another sentence you can make is with the words "your" "dick" big". This sentence is true. "word" is also a word.
-how many words do you know?
-I know very many words.
by ditt ekte navn February 10, 2022
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A word is a word that is being used currently. Words are words that are worded to use words by describing words in witch I speak
Fello Person, I am using my words.
Wow fello Person, I am aswell using my words!
by ILuvCheeseMoreThanILoveMyWife February 5, 2022
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Chad: Dad just died
Chad2.0: REALLY, its the second time this week
chad: word
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