a slang for florida. usually consiting of florida's hotspots (i.e. miami and key west).
Andrew: Dude Georgia has the hottest women.
Oreva: Dude what the hell are you smoking? Have you been to the flo?
by Oreva A December 26, 2005
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Once you take a look at him you fall in love, he is the one that every girl will fight over. He can take your girl with a wink. He knows how to dress really good
Omg I will kill for Flo he is my love
by Bianca salads March 10, 2017
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A nasty, honky-tonk, skank. Her face is always red like she’s blushing. She’s a loudmouth bitch that you could hear clearly over a Def Leppard concert. Her loud speaking is sort of a mating call for male white trash because they’re the only ones that will give her the attention she craves. She has wrinkle lines over her top lip from smoking since she was ten. She knows the words to every David Allan Coe song.
Are you going to let that goddamn nasty Flo fix your food? You’re a braver man than I.

Scene: A packed bar
Jerry: Where’s that loud talking coming from?
Tom: It’s that Flo dancing on the table over there. Don’t you remember the Flo who came in earlier asking if we had a mechanical bull?
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"Man, that drum solo Flo Mounier did was fuckin' insane."
by Garret March 29, 2005
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