person 1: "Why are we starting World War 3"
person 2: "Ask Donald J. Trump"
by twitchcool69 May 9, 2020
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A generally orange 73 year old that tends to wear a blue suit with a red tie claiming he will ‘make America great again’ although the only reason it isn’t great is him. He is also a racist cunt who doesn’t like Mexicans and built a boarder so they can’t get into the USA
Fred: yo who’s that dickhead with the orange face and pineapple hair over there
Frank: oh that dude? That’s Donald J. Trump
by twitchcool69 May 9, 2020
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Something that gives the passing appearance of wealth, but is just a cheap tool.
Gold sharpies are like Donald J. Trump.
by twitchcool69 May 9, 2020
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Someone who filled the swamp instead of drained it, and made America worse instead of making it great again.
"Donald J. Trump will either ultimately destroy the conservative movement or the United States."
by twitchcool69 May 23, 2020
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A strange man who wants to control the country, yet can't control his hair.
Person one: Hey, you know what donald j. trump would do with a can of white spray paint?
Person two: No, what?
Person one: Spray it on america, of course!
by twitchcool69 May 9, 2020
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45th President of the United States, originally elected in the “2016 Election” seeking re-election he lost to Joseph R. Biden whom the the 46th President of the United States.
Donald J. Trump was the 45th President!
by Lapland June 30, 2021
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