July 15th is a unfortunate day. Ofue decided to take his own life after a tragedy happened. We are all very, very sad and we pray that he is doing good in the afterlife.
Ofue died on July 15.
by ofue on july 15th July 14, 2022
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Boy: It's 15 July, wanna go watch a movie in my place?
Girl: of course, it's a internal holiday
by Mr President yn July 6, 2022
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15 July is the day that you ask your crush out.
Reu: Hey, it's 15 July and I really like you, do you wanna be my girlfriend?
Rea: Sure!
by DryWater July 17, 2022
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Send a selfie to a friend day!
If they don’t then they owe you money!
Only on the 15 july
by Duck man July 7, 2022
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