A beautiful young girl who loves to have fun, is usually very clingy around guys, and just wants someone to get in her pants
Girl 1- Damn he is so hottttt
Girl 2- True that girl
Guy 1- Who is that? And why does she keep staring at me?
Guy 2- That’s Autumn Grace and she’s hotttt
by Lesbian142 April 2, 2018
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A manipulative, lonely lunatic of a girl who ruins every relationship she gets into because of her delusional behavior and her habit of overthinking and worrying about everything. This causes her to ruin her perfect relationship by being a manipulative asshole and because of her behavior she will be forever alone, with nobody even slightly loving her, only putting up with her frustrating existence to be nice.
Autumn Ward was being a selfish bitch today and ruined another one of her relationships because she will always be alone forever
by AutumnSucksAss April 18, 2023
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A manipulative, lonely lunatic of a girl who ruins every relationship she gets into because of her delusional behavior and her habit of overthinking and worrying about everything. This causes her to ruin her perfect relationship by being a manipulative asshole and because of her behavior she will be forever alone, with nobody even slightly loving her, only putting up with her frustrating existence to be nice.
Autumn Ward was being a selfish bitch today and ruined another one of her relationships because she will always be alone forever
by AutumnSucksAss April 18, 2023
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A girl who never achieves anything and prefers to have everything in life given to her without making any effort at all. She is scared of everything and can't mentally handle an ounce of stress or responsibility without regressing to the mental age of a child or hiding away and avoiding doing anything with her life whatsoever
"c'mon it's not that big of a change, take a risk or you'll end up like autumn ward of all people"
by AutumnSucksAss June 10, 2023
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A Oc Made By An Youtuber Named Mushroom Empire, I am Totally Not Her Yeah Totally...
''Autumn The Devil Is A FICTONAL Character Dont Be Scared
by empire RoomMush JP September 7, 2023
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A sweet yet intelligent girl who is beautiful inside and out. She is loyal and has the looks every guy wishes for.
by narwhal08 April 1, 2018
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