Some greedy idiot that likes to take both men and women for itself.
Your such a bisexual, why do you have to be greedy like that?
by Frankenstein’s Dongle June 27, 2019
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Someone with a very short lifespan, seeing as there are none over the age of 30.
Jane was a bisexual; she liked females and males, sadly she, like the other bisexuals, disappeared after reaching a certain age of maturity.
by Kelpha January 31, 2009
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When someone is attracted to dick and bicycles simultaneously
"Wow, that bicycle sure is attractive" -bisexual
"That means you are a bisexual"- Danny devito
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Attraction to two or more genders.
Ari is attracted to people regardless of gender. Xe is bisexual.

Kevin is mainly attracted to girls, but there are several guys he's also into. He is bisexual.

Erin has a boyfriend, but she also has the capacity to be sexually and emotionally satisfied in a relationship with a woman.

Marie identifies as bisexual because she is attracted to men and nonbinary people.

Hsiao is attracted to women and nonbinary people. They are bisexual.

Bob identifies as bisexual and is attracted only to cis men and cis women. He is a transphobe, because 'no trans people' is not a sexual orientation.

Leah, who is not bisexual, claims that bisexuality is inherently transphobic and excludes nonbinary people. She maintains this claim despite the existence of many bisexuals, some of them nonbinary, who tell her she is wrong.
by Arodynamic September 27, 2015
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Someone who is attracted to males and females only.
Person 1: my sister is bisexual
Person 2: what's that?
Person 1: she dates boys and girls
Person 2: that's weird
Person 1: 🖕🏻
by 『Aiko the lgbtq+』 June 11, 2021
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People who are attracted to two or more (but not all) genders.
by Bi_bi_bi June 10, 2019
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A person who can go down in someone pants and be happy with what the find AKA: me
jason:Dude I hear karen girl and guy

me:Ok and

jason:She gay
me:No she bisexual dumdass

(If you a like Jason go fuck your self
by {Lou¶} April 27, 2020
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