A small town off the highway whose patronage and business are almost entirely reliant on travellers and users of the highway.
Off the interstate, Eddie found a highway town with an inn and a diner offering 24-hour service.
by Taika Afton July 13, 2022
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When you are driving and the car behind you makes several of the same turns as you do, causing you to become paranoid and take routes you normally wouldn't take just to see if they are following you.
Ed: why are you late?
Tom: I got lost. This car kept turning when I turned so I got Highway Paranoia and ended up on a dirt road.
by killersbytrade March 30, 2009
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The act of a person shoving a hot wheels track into your partners button and then running a hot wheels car down it.
by JulioBonjonkelz February 26, 2014
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A vertical line of hair that extends from a man’s pubic hair all the way to a man’s chest. A more extreme happy trail.
Shit bro, you got to shave that’s not a happy trail that’s a freedom highway.
by Willypoo2 September 25, 2022
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Term used for truckers who been off the road for a period of time and keep getting the urge to get back behind the wheel
Doug " Do you miss the road Terry?"
Terry " Everyday I go through highway withdraw "
Doug " God thats rough"
by Outlaw trucker May 7, 2016
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