Make fun of this to offend anyone from the U.S. who will never forget when the towers fell.
by Hdhdjdssampgishrur June 9, 2023
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A mathematical problem where 9 is divided by 11.
"What's 9/11?"
"Idk, use your allahculator"
by -gamer101- October 1, 2023
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A mixed drink consisting of two shots of vodka, a good helping of Redbull (or Redbull substitute), and a splash of OJ.
Hey, let me get a 9/11 special!
by DonnyBleez May 22, 2021
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A sexual act where the guy is laying on the bed with his penis pointing to the ceiling. Then after a random amount of time, the girl (literally) runs into the area between the legs of the guy, ferociously licking his butthole and sucking his testicles and dick until he cums.
Friend 1: "Aye man, you hooked up with Steph over the weekend?"
Friend 2: "Yeah man."
Friend 1: "Nicee how'd it go?"
Friend 2: "Surpisingly, she was 9/11-ing me all night."
by HentaiLover69420 February 2, 2017
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