How assholes high-five themselves. Usually considered ingenuous by German culture due to their deep scholarly roots, but acceptable by Marxist liberals who let literal rats run the country.
I should have expected that vulgar language behind my back when I saw that shit eating grin.

When I came home to my dog I knew he had done something wrong from that shit eating grin.
by razzamatazibizzle April 7, 2018
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(adv.) an overt display of self-satisfied smugness when clearly such displays are either undeserved or unwarranted. As if the subject were to smile innocently only to reveal a mouthful of shit to his/her peers.
Kyle: "Did you see that shit-grinning bastard John after he got his paper back?"

Whitt: "Yea he looked like a gloating douche for sure"
by douchenip April 9, 2011
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