Iron which isn't as easily absorbed In the bloodstream as Heme Iron and is generally found in plant based foods such as lentils, nuts, seeds, beans, spinach and potatoes with skin. You may also find Non-Heme Iron in fortified breakfast cereals.
Non-Heme Iron doesn't absorb as easily as Heme Iron, so you're best off recieving your daily dose of Iron from meats (particularly red meat) if you're concerned with your daily Iron intake.
by Rotten Turkey September 1, 2022
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Hemeli is a beautiful girl, with adorable brown and green eyes that shine and captivate! With the cutest smile you've ever seen, one that when looked at you smile yourself! She's a girl that loves and is open minded, that will stick by you when you're down. A girl with a huge heart, who just gets treated unfairly and misunderstood. Who saves others by just being beside them, but when she needs saving few are beside her. She's gorgeous beautiful and out, whoever has an Hemeli will be the luckiest alive in the whole galaxy. Treat her right love her and she'll love you back. She's nice, caring, sweet, never says any wrong about you. Willing to defend you from anyone. She's full of weirdness, randomness and flaws but still perfect! I love the Hemeli i have! Once you have one you never want to lose her and if you do, life won't be the same.. She changes you're miserable life and makes it better
She has a huge heart, she's an Hemeli!

I'm so lucky i have an Hemeli.

Feeling like a billionare cause of my Hemeli
by Lovequotes November 19, 2018
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