One who has no regard for others doing loud obnoxious things.
Being loud in public.
Playing loud music on the bus.
Talking on the phone and talking loud for everyone to hear you business

Stop Ghetto-blasting your music.

Loud wanna be ghetto white girls talking in slang Ghetto-Blaster
by Needsomeloven May 6, 2010
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A 2 litter bottle with a socket put through the cap and a hole cut at bottom that you smoke weed with.
by Ghettoblaster804 January 4, 2018
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Tool of death. e.g. gun, knife...
"these homies came down the street packing bout five ghetto-blasters and made a right mess man!
by rabbhimself March 28, 2005
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A rocket launching portable false bit larger (more so then usual portable players but smaller than a 80’s family stereo system) cassette player invented by M
“it’s something we’re inventing for the Americans l. I call it a ghetto blaster” - Q in 1987’s The Living Daylights.
by Cdn_Stoner_420_247 September 27, 2019
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