This is the point in your state of highness, Where you feel like your smooth, calm, cool, collected and... jazzy. (and can still funtion)
"I go to work feelin jazzy all the time."
by sfab August 6, 2008
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Jazzy is nice and super outgoing
Best friend you'll ever have

she will stick up for her friends no matter what and stand by them too
super loud
I wish I had a jazzy
she is such a jazzy
can I be her
by cra-zzycupcake December 15, 2016
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Why are you looking for a definition, a definition excludes the possibility for growth and change. Plus, you can't define perfection ;)
Hey, what kind of music do you like?

Anything that makes me feel happy, jazzy and funky!
by Dont start a fire July 11, 2021
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A name for girls who try to hard to be cool.
Girl one: That chick showed up at the Walmart Twilight Party with a drawn on mustache and sunglasses but "didn't want to be seen." Can you believe that?
Girl two: Well she IS jazzy afterall.
by aseaistart May 30, 2009
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The definition of Jazzie is a girl who is one bad ass . She loves to have funn no matter what . She keeps a smile on her face even when times get hard . Guys thinks she fine as helllll, and even some girls . She's fun to be around and has an amazing personality .
That girl is amazing! She must be Jazzie (:
by jbabiiii . November 25, 2010
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