Candad's official swear is "Oh my goodness"
Cnadad's anthem is Old Town Road(Bbh remix)
Bbh lives in Candad
by HelpMeIWantToEat June 25, 2019
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Candad is another name for Brazil. The name was found by Skeppy and A6d. Candad was actually a mistake in spelling Canada. The national's for the country are :-
Food- cheesy fries
Bird- twitter
Sport- ping spoofing
Anthem- if it's not worth it don't do it
Flag- contains 14 muffins, potatoes bagutes and thin crust pizza
Meme- i was testing
Capitol- Chicago
Candad is my favourite country.
by February 9, 2021
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a place iin the world, it is a great place, it does not exsist but it was made by skeppy to prank badboyhalo.
where is candad???
does candad even exsist?
no sorry
by good...times December 14, 2020
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