the welsh national anthem (don't even think about the other one). translates as "land of my fathers. a completely badass song that they are extremely proud to belt out at the top of their voices
oh did you hear the welsh national anthem, the way they sang it at the world cup...

"mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi..." (the old land of my fathers is dear to me)

... putting the americans to shame, who were just mumbling?

"GWLAAAAAD!!" (country)

yeah, that's exceedingly cool
by eeee4444 November 25, 2022
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A place where education goes to die
Person 1: yo what school you go to?
Person 2: hen hud
Person 1: 💀
by the only ray October 16, 2023
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This is the most inspirational phrase to ever be said. It is said that once one heres this they ascend to the heavens out of gratitude.
The word must NEVER EVER EVER be capitalised or it is an insult to the hen nobo squad.

Invented by someone who cant spell ❤️❤️
"hen nobo"
by BONESTHEDINOSAUR January 2, 2023
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The sober person, usually the "designated driver" of the group who is in charge of keeping his friends from making a complete fool of themselves.
Selena was our mother hen last night. She stopped all of us from making complete fools of ourselves.
by Brutus1503 May 27, 2023
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The cult leader of the most famous, greatest and bestest cult of tiktok: the step chicken. Rise up step chickens 🐔✊. We will soon take over the whole internet, so be warned🐔✊
Person B: Rise up step chickens
Person A: We will make our Mother hen proud 🐔✊
by step chicken🐔✊ May 15, 2020
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When you slide a couple of peeled soft boiled eggs into her vagina and then have her squat above you and lay the eggs onto you or into your mouth.
No thanks, I already ate. We did the Mother Hen a few hours ago.
by AshFlops September 29, 2022
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A Hen Hen is an abreviation for 'Jack Hennessy.' He is a close look alike to Sam Hepburn.
X: Have you seen Hen Hen today?
Y: Nah he probably went to the pub with Hepburn.
by MrSimpson69420 June 14, 2021
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