A ''Weird Al'' Yankovic fan who can only think of the Weird Al parody when they hear a famous song.
guy on twitter: only weird al can do parodies all other parodies suck

guy on twitter quote retweeting it: man the Al Brain strong with this one
by Sethsterwastaken June 20, 2023
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Someone who only has the ability to remain information for about as long as they can retain their own water. They regularly ask you things that they've only asked you very recently.
Steve: "So what did Nick want you for?"

Johnny: "He wanted to know how to set up the printer"

Steve: "Again? Didn't you show him the last two days already?"

Johnny: "Yeah. The man has a serious bladder brain, he just can't hold on to information"
by Urban Englander March 2, 2011
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When you are so dumb, you have a brain that uses all its braincells into making you dumber than if you just didn't have a brain
"Everyone in this discord server has an anti-brain please help"
by SeñorJefferyDahmerthethird October 11, 2022
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Jimothy: Let me read this title: "Why does the (the second the was skipped when reading) brain not notice the second 'the-" wait a moment this is fake.
Jill: Why does the the brain not notice the the second 'the' in the title? is what it says
Sammy + Jimothy: Aeugh
Nick: i ship Jill + Jimo-
Jill: *pulls revolver*
Nick: Runs
by idontevenknowwhatalifeis May 20, 2022
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CTE brought on from hundreds of Tae Kwan Do kicks to the head.
Bob should have never taken up martial arts. He's angry about everything now that he's grown old, a clear symptom of dojo brain.
by February 9, 2023
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Doesn't make you smarter. You're still a nimrod its just that you think stupid faster
Me: Hey dude I just took some Brain Pills.

Bob: Wow you're stupid faster
by lucasjsl January 25, 2020
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The feeling of the head rush one gets from taking a large bong rip
*hits bong* ... Whoa I've got bong brain
by Cerned November 27, 2018
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