Qasim kardashian is the sexiest man in the world maybe even the universe he’s so sexy that his mom ate him and he won an award for the sexiest man alive also his balls always hurt for some weird reason and he thinks he’s gay and has a t h i c c ass also people keep looking at him coz of his asshole because he walks around naked he’s so fucking sexy and has a great sense of humor and has 100000000000000000000 *insert currency here* *produces 12 gallons of cum*
Qasim kardashian is so famous and nice and good to hang out with I don’t even know what I’m writing at this point
by Qasim kardashian July 4, 2022
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curse as known to be ignorant, selfish driven by money
person 1:Kanye has the kardashian curse
person 2: nah dip! he voted for trump
by Humblis Kumaresh January 18, 2017
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It's when someone complains about how hard they have it, not to get OR take the help offered, but just simply because they want to get attention and create drama to show how hard they think they think they have it.

Especially useful on social media
Example: I’m stuck on the freeway car broken down, no one for miles, kids screaming in the back seat, my eldest has a disability and doesn’t understand and I have no mobile service but it dropped in enough to post this 😰

Response: Help offered by multiple people all turned down with the ‘ill solider on’, it’ll be ok’ or ‘this is my life I’m used to it’. And yet they can keep responding to said posts/texts. Oh, your suffering from the kardashian effect!
by Hsrat28 September 23, 2018
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a concept or initiative meant to embrace the mentality of an individual living in a social climate where the Kardashian obsession is no longer a phenomenon but the influence of the family's best qualities are apparent

a paradigm shift where the collective attention focused on the family is redirected onto us, permitting us a uniquely large shared head space to be filled with our sincerest personal stories in ways that popular culture contrives and deprives us of

re-appropriating the kardashian brand as a means of queering the platform and shedding visibility on less privileged identities
Friend 1: Did you see the final part of the Bruce interview last night?
Friend 2: Naw, but did you see another trans woman of color was brutally murdered for no reason again last night?
Friend 1: woah, i hadn't heard, that's pretty post-kardashian

Friend A: Are you a member of the facebook group /inb4/?
Friend B: the one where all the queer underground DIY netkids, artists, musicians n creatives share selfies celebrating their taboo?
Friend A: yah that one
Friend B: word i am, hella post-kardashian millenials in there
by littleprincest May 24, 2015
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A person who runs directly into oncoming traffic, but tries to avoid being hit at the last second.
"Took many Kardashians will spoil the dash board of your car!"
by ANOTHERDEADROMEO August 15, 2023
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1.Dumb materialistic bitches who for some odd reason (Kim K being a porn star)are famous; are often associated with the Jenner family.

2. A total white girl who is obsessed with Uggs, leggings, Starbucks, Instagram, and looking on fleek at all times; More often than not named a total white name like Britney, Stephanie, Hannah, or Chloe, and very materialistic.

3. Following in the Kardashian way, i.e. very materialistic, rich, popular for no reason, may or may not be a porn star,etc.
Person 1: Did you hear about Hannah's leaked sex tape?
Person 2: I did, she's such a Kardashian.
by MaisieVonVanity August 17, 2016
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