To put it simply, My Chemical Romance are one of the best bands around. They are not goth,punk,rock or emo!!!!! They are just themselves.

So to all those who don't like thier music, don't fuckin listen to it and don't say shit bout them cos you don't know jack.
by SteffyShit April 17, 2006
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Ok, maybe I am a person with absolutely nothing better to do but write shit about the bands I hate, and I hate My Chemical Romance. I think they are definently not unique and they sound exactly like every other mofo on MTV. They are most definently not "punwk rawk" like most of you would describe it and yes, they are emo. Their music is emo. EMO!!! Not "punwk rawk" ok?
Go listen to Sublime, Rancid, Ramones, or any other real bands. please.
Lame-ass: Hey, I just got the new My Chemical Romance CD! Its so punk!
Cool guy: You wouldnt know punk if it shit in you face
by sublime1988 January 8, 2007
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A "violent pop" (as the band itself says)band that makes really good music. People may say oh they're so emo. Well, I'd like to see you fucking prove it! They make music that saves lives! Most people haven't updated lately so I'll fill you in ;)
We all know the band members(if you don't, why the fuck are you looking them up?)
Gerard Way
Mikey Way
Frank Iero
Ray Toro
and Bob Bryar
Five fucking awesome guys that have souls unlike some of these media washed up fucktards that try to make good music.
Another thing-CDs
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
and the latest addition,
The Black Parade
The band's music style has changed quite a bit in sound but they still rock all the same. The new CD is well worth having! I can always come home from a bad day and blast MCR from my speakers and feel like nothing can stop me when I finish all three CDs (even though only one song will still do the job)
So, all you ridiculing dip shits and hippocrates can shut up because you know, no other band in the world can amount to MCR and what they stand for (Mcr is = to Metallica in my book) Just not a legend yet cuz they've only been around a few years but when the days comes that they stop playing beacuse they've grown old... that's the day that they live on by word of fans and the CDs will still play everywhere
My Chemical Romance singles:

(I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love)
Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us
(Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge)
I'm Not OK
The Ghost Of You
(The Black Parade)
Welcome To The Black Parade
Famous Last Words
by DemonSmack February 9, 2007
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my chem wasn't a band it was an idea

get it right scum.
I LOVE my chemical romance,

by DYLANxSKYLAR September 28, 2018
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My First Chemistry Set...

The biggest pile of wank since Bullet for my friends valentines funeral.

"My first chemistry set" are not original.
Their music is not "good"
They are more or less talentless.
Putting a pointless solo in a song (which is played horribly btw) does not make them good.
Loads of publicity, a stupid American image, and a big fan base of gay boys in skin tight jeans and slit wrist mopy girls makes a band doesn't make them good.

I don't care if you people like my chemical romance....just DO NOT say they are "good" or "talented" because they really are not.


by Monchai November 3, 2006
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A band based in Newark, New Jersey comprised of Gerard Way on vocals, his youngest brother Mikey Way on bass, rhythm guitarist Frank Iero, lead guitarist Ray Toro and drummer Bob Bryar. A very small percent of their songs (Our Lady of Sorrows and Bury Me In Black, possibly Hang 'Em High) could be considered metal. Way has frequently stated that they are not punk or emo, they are 'violent pop'.
Scene kid: "I hate My Chemical Romance because they're on TRL and MTV and sold out so they aren't 'real music' anymore."
Yeah, they really can't help that MTV plays their videos. Go back to listening to fricking Hawthorne Heights or Aiden.
by xxMissRevenge June 8, 2006
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Second Best only to Green Day, they f*cking rock and are NOT emo!
They are better than any crappy chav music or irritating music like crazy frog and candy shop.
e.g mcr are a band that rock
by Kyutekitty July 3, 2005
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