A term referring to Class A drugs - usually Cocaine or Ecstasy.
Barrie: Lets get some Uda for the weekend. We can get smashed up.
by Uda1 August 27, 2009
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Up and coming rapper in hamilton.

"Feel like mark twain, bitches give me brain."
Bro, that uda g guy is hype as fuck
by udag fan February 5, 2021
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a advertisment posted on urban dictionary through a submitted definition
by the great Lochard January 28, 2010
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United Dicks of America

A bunch of people that enjoy conversating about the stupidest SHAAAAAT ever, for example, dicks, cocks, 69, MILF, GILF, and TILF
James:Did you see that one group at school acting all hard?!?
Margaret:Yeah, That's UDA....UDA....UDA!!!
by OnionDick March 23, 2012
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Chronic Urban Dictionary Addiction.
Signs and Symptoms may include the following:
*Constantly being on urbandictionary.com
*Making sure to find out the new Urban Word Of the Day each day
*Using urban words many people don't know the definition of in real conversation.

Phil gets on his computer EVERY morning first thing to read the new Urban Word of The Day..*Every* day.
He's been this way for a year now...
I hate to say this...
but Phil has Chronic UDA
by Versego April 21, 2009
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Cooler name for ‘uday’ or ‘udai’ or ‘udhay

Dumb as f*ck. Probably gay. Sucks d!ck for a living. Total wh0re. Good head (would recommend 10/10)

You should f*ck an Udae whenever you see one.
Udae gave me amazing head last night🥵
by Uss_07 November 22, 2021
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A Merciful KING protection in Grace and Favor by GOD Mean to rise to a Great and Highest Point In Life
Even tho people wanted UDAE to Fail he was Favored by the GOD
by Udae November 25, 2021
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