BOB:Did you hear about Barry Bonds breaking Aarons record?
TOM:Fuck him! He's a Steroid Junkie!
Barry Bonds:Stop Talkin 'bout me assholes!
by Go Fuck YO SELF August 12, 2007
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A guy who, although a complete jerk to those not in his very very very tight inner circle, is the greatest hitter of all time. He is the subject of persistent ire by those who will write his records off to steroids while pitchers for their teams gun balls at 100 mph and batters hit equally monstruous home runs. This "guilt by personality" paradigm is the direct result of people not wanting someone they do not like breaking the record of all records, and demonstrates the selfishness and ignorance of the common fan.
Barry Bonds is the greatest hitter of all time, get over it.
by SGP May 18, 2005
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See steroids.

He is a cheater that is old and has a big head.
Barry Bonds sucks because he has to use steroids to be good.
by A_COOL_GUY May 19, 2005
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A very great baseball player whose name generates eruptions of idiocy from all those self-righteous prigs out there who act as if the greatest players in baseball haven't always used substances that alter their normal state and in that way, for them, enchance their performance. Duh, it's only because people didn't know about it for most of a century -- and those who did kept it quiet, because those kinds of things were kept quiet. America (and its pasttime) was not apple pie and innocence in the past, it was behavior just like today that was hidden, and a bunch of innocents just didn't see it. If you followed "ye who is without sin cast the first stone," the pathetic losers who are trashing Bonds would open their mouths and nothing would come out.
Lack of insight, both personal and social, leads to mistaken trashing of Barry Bonds and contemporary baseball.
by katieheartstar October 3, 2006
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The greatest baseball player of all time. No other player comes even close.
When I grow up, I want to be just like my hero, Barry Bonds. Have any tips?
by Rick Astley August 9, 2007
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He did it...
next to the witness stand, Barry Bonds*
by hedidit June 16, 2009
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the greastest baseball player of all time. anyone who bashes on him is an idiot. he is the only player to have 500 home runs and 500 steals. beat that bitches
barry bonds is the best player of all time
by AmazeKing August 29, 2005
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