An Avery is a person of any gender (or neither) but you can always rely on an Avery for everything. They are kind, loyal, smart and funny as hell. They try to make everyone happy but rarely focus on themselves. They hate themselves whenever they make a mistake but then they set it right as soon as humanely possible. They are always surrounded with friends but they always have the most important people in their lives around at all times. An Avery is open and supportive so you can trust them with anything. Averys will make the best partner ever.
Person 1: OMG who is that! They look so chill and they have so many people around them!
Person 2: Oh, must be an Avery!
by Stormcloud0.0 February 26, 2020
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Avery is an amazing person who will alway be kind and amazing. She is probably a good singer and actress and will most likely to be famous one day. She is flirty but only to boys she likes. she is beautiful but does no think she is, and if others tell her so she will shrug it off. Avery is a person you should keep and hold close because she can help through think and thin. She is a funny and smart person that can help solve problems. Always keep an avery close because everyone needs an avery in their life!
Did I met a girl named Avery the other day

Dude keep her, avery’s are the best

Okay dude I will
by Tru_facs November 2, 2019
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avery means amazing, talented in every way , able to sucseed, will go far in life, loves and cares for that one special person, very good at basketball
"dang, did you see that avery?"

"yeahh shes amazing and talented in avery way!"
by nunsio July 15, 2006
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A beautiful girl with a good head on her shoulders. Ready to do anything and will NOT dissapoint you. The best girlfriend someone could ask for and have
Boy: ohhh wow look at her
Other Boy: Yea thats Avery
Boy: i know i just cant stop staring at her
Other Boy: she has that affect on people
by falallalaa March 21, 2010
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Just looking into her beautiful blue eyes, you melt right into her soul. You can tell she's an awesome, chill person that's good at everything. She's strong and determined. She is as long as her hair, and a lover at heart. She's sweet and smart, but still a mystery. She could be compared to a kalidoscope.
Guy1: Damnn all girls are fake now.

Guy2: I have proof right here there's still some Avery's left.
by sheethappens June 25, 2011
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The most amazing girl in the world and cannot be more sweet and nice. She is hot as hell and she knows how to make anyone feel better when they are in a tough situation. When you are with her you will always feel special because she is the best person in the world. She would not do anything to hurt a guy or anyone and she never gives up on a fight. She has the most beautiful name ever and knows what to say at the right time. She is out going, jenerous and she will do anything to make you feel better. She is the SWEETEST girl you will ever meet in your life.
#sweet #hot #out going #Avery
by Avery1535 January 22, 2017
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Avery means amazing, talented in every way , able to sucseed, will go far in life, loves and cares for that one special person, very good at everything he sets his mind to. Avery is a ladies man but only has one special girl. Avery is a very loving and caring person. He always knows how to make you feel better. An Avery can put a smile on your face at any given time. Avery is the sweetest person you will ever meet! An avery is always attractive! He is so cute and most likely had he most adorable laugh! He always knows the right thing to say and can make you feel better with the corniest lines. He treats women right and respects them. An Avery is also quite a funny person, he can make you laugh no matter what. Avery means awesome beyond all measure. If you ever get an Avery don't ever let him go. It will be the biggest mistake you will ever make so don't do it. Love and cherish Avery because he will do the same
Julia: I talked to Avery today!

Sarah: really?!

Julia : yea it was magical he was so nice and he so hot!

Sarah: I know! Too bad you don't have a chance
Julia: yea I know, if only he didn't have a girlfriend

Most awesome person ever
by Thegirl69 March 23, 2013
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