One who excels at guitar, but plays it too loudly and too often in class. This causes annoyance among classmates. An Angel U is also known for only wearing dark clothes and acting edgy, emo, shady, and homeless. He is also one who dates those who are several years older than he. Some Angel Us are even bisexual!
Dang, that kid Angel U is super annoying. He needs to stop playing guitar before I shove my fist down his throat.
by Old..Clacker November 29, 2017
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Luka's angels is a singing group with many different songs. The group has three singers and two musicians. They have about 3 major hits, and came out in 2014.
by Kawaii Potato is back!! June 20, 2017
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When you see, what think is a perfect ass!
Yo dude, you see that angel ass over there, dammmm she be looking fine!!
by 19Golf April 14, 2020
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He's so hawt
Sexy fallen angel is so hot (G+)
by DJ Juan nutella March 20, 2017
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A swingers party. A party where couples swap partners for sex.

Def 2: orgy but for couples
Person 1: are you and Kristin coming to the angel party?

Person 2: yes!
by Slimcede September 20, 2020
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A thick necked meaty quarter ton of fun beaner that only has love for his pollo y quesadillas Y sopes y mamá. He’s kind hearted outgoing personality and really takes care of the people close to him if you’re a calles you’re the best Beamer there is around PERIODTTT
Bro you’re being such a Angel cálles- beaner
by TheBobbyBrown November 23, 2021
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Is part of the 33% of the hot population. It’s very iconic with sexual personality, but hates sex and the same time. Loves Paris Hilton.
She is a true anal angel, loves her asexuality and eyes.
by Babe123321 April 24, 2020
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