A day in February that prompts people to figuratively and literally give their hearts away for the day... if the other accepts, they are known as a "Valentine".

There are several different ways to ask:
1. The "Grade School Method" - Will you be my Valentine? Check YES NO or MAYBE
2. The "Charlie Brown Method" - Creating a hand crafted and laced heart shaped Valentine's Day card to the one you love
3. The "Tiffany Method" - Utilizing a popular public website to give your heart away. *see example*
You make me want to break every rule. Like the one that says when you play that flower petal game you have to alternate "I love you's" with "I love you not's" ...and the rule that says that only certain people are meant to be together... (you know I'm a rule breaker)

Rules don't mean a thing. You just might be made for Me.

...and I don't want to give you my heart for one day or only on Valentine's Day, but we'll take this one step at a time, so Ai Elo...

Will you be my Valentine?
by the moth in me February 10, 2014
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The Catholic feast day of St. Valentine: Patron saint of young people, happy marriages, love, lovers, bee keepers, fainting, travellers, plague, epilepsy, and affianced couples.
Without St. Valentine, there would be no Valentine's Day.
Let's celebrate Valentine's Day in honor of St. Valentine and his feast day!

St. Valentine was a man of much love! We should ask him to intercede more!
by Evangelist February 14, 2015
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Another bullshit day of Getting pissed off and exposing the most cringy Fucking things to say to say.
by PenisBBreath February 8, 2019
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That time when you got no love letters because nobody likes you
Kim: It's Valentines day!

Kris: It is?
by I_Ate_A_Waffle January 8, 2023
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Ask the person out, destroy their feelings. No regret. No simping. FUAQ DA HOES YKNOW
Jack: will you date me?
Mary: yes
-1 day passes-
Jack: faquq you i'm out
Mary: bruh
Valentines day
by George Floyd 2nd February 8, 2021
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