When a man fakes his orgasm and spits all over a female's back like a spiderweb
When you're pushing rope you got to do the Peter Parker money shot and spit all over that bitches back
by beriemycockner@y June 26, 2022
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To fail at an amazingly easy task, or (in contrast) to succeed in an amazingly difficult one. Mostly refers to sports.

Generally said whilst tapping one's nose or raising arms at a 90degree angle triumphantly.
1 - Two blokes are playing billiards. Bloke 1 has the 8 ball a centimetre from the top right pocket.

Bloke 1: You might as well cough up that $10 now, mate.
*Bloke 1 buggers up the shot*
Bloke 1: I can't believe I did that.
Bloke 2: That's a Peter Collis *taps nose* if I ever saw one.

2 - Two blokes are playing golf.

Bloke 1: Oh man, I'm getting slaughtered here. I hate this hole.
*Bloke 1 hits a hole in one*
Bloke 1: HA! PETER COLLIS! *raises arms triumphantly*
by zibzabzob January 17, 2011
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Peter Albertson is the definition of a unit. This man is sexy and outgoing and will take any risk. This man is not afraid to lose and will come out on top. Peter Albertson, might as well be god himself.
Someday I want to be like Peter Albertson
by Uvulaboi November 23, 2021
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A 359 or 379 peterbilt with a Caterpillar engine
Hey you here jason gotta new truck. Is a pussy powered peter car
by Supersampson February 12, 2020
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a fish in the water, very good swimmer
often mistaken for corporal edwards or lance corporal james
person 1: " wow did you see corporal edwards swim"
person 2: "that wasn't corporal edwards, that was recruit peter"
by ur.mum.bahahahhaha September 6, 2022
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Evan Peters. The most adorable guy ever.

He’s like the human version of an m&m ! Or a teddy bear!
“Hey who’s your crush?”
Evan peters 🙄”
“But you’re a guy!”
by January 20, 2023
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the hottest most sexiest person who inhabits this planet, who also has a hot personality and enough talent to light a fucking fire
evan peters is my husband.
by the whore to ur left </3 August 19, 2021
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