A light feeling of sickness: a runny nose, an annoying cough or a weird rash.
"dang it, it's been two days since I got back from Germany and already I have the Jimmies up my nose. "
by Mcpommes November 26, 2016
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very very small penis. can also be used as a unit of measurement.
“Yo i bet you have a jimmy peen
by goochalini June 9, 2020
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when u had jimmy johns earlier in the day, then get fucked in the ass.

Defined by the lovely "ally"
After he fucked me in the ass I turned around to give him top but he had jimmy johns shitdick, courtesy of me
by your mother120894203729857 December 7, 2017
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When you take a pill and become a raging political you tuber
D-man took a jimmy pill and started ranting about politics.
by Hot Dog Goblin April 29, 2020
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A nickname given to Jimbo from their best friend Mace.
"Look at Slimmy Jimmy go!"
by SlimmyJimbo May 14, 2022
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The very end of a joint, which tends to “sting” your lungs upon inhalation due to the burning of the built up tar. Also called a “roach”.
Aw fuck, now our joint has turned into a stinging jimmy.
by Ann Tifa November 2, 2021
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