a non-man who loves non-men exclusively

this can include nonbinary people who love women, women who love women, nonbinary people who love nonbinary people, etc.
(man) “hey i think you’re really cute, wanna go out sometime?”
(lesbian) “oh sorry, im not into guys”
by peepeelover420 July 26, 2021
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A no-man who likes non-men
Person 1. Hey your a lesbian right but ur also non-binary
Person 2. Yea a lesbian is a non-man being attracted to a non-man
by Hey_isbaye April 26, 2021
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Lesbian is a non-man loving non-man. You don’t have to be exclusively female to be lesbian or only like females. (that being said if you are under the non-binary umbrella you can be lesbian)
Some guy- “Hey, i think your cute, can i have your number?”

Person- “Oh i’m sorry i’m a lesbian, i don’t like men :)”
by 1oddperson August 17, 2021
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The thing i turn all girls that look at me
*shows girl face*
Wow, i forgot to tell you i’m lesbian.
by Utmom December 11, 2020
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A non-man loving a non-man

This also includes non binary people and anywhere in between!
"HI my name is Lana, I am lesbian, I identify as non binary, and my pronouns are they/she!"
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A woman or fem nonbinary person who is exclusively attracted to other women.
Not here for men's enjoyment, no, you can't "join in"
Kestrel and Valerie are married. They are Lesbian.
by December 22, 2020
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If your a man searching this, fuck off, if your a woman searching this then, you, you are the lesbian.
Lesbian means non men loving non men, not free porn for gross old men to watch
Man 1: I bet I could turn you straight

Lesbian 1: No you cant, you just cant

Man 2: You just haven't found the right guy
Lesbian 2: I haven't and I won't

Man 3: I respect lesbians, I even watch lesbian porn!
Lesbian 3: Well done on sexualizing lesbians and watching porn videos meant for lesbians and only lesbians
by kxromi December 11, 2021
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