When you have tried or experimented a relationship with the same sex in a sexual/physical/emotional way. However, through not fault of their or your own, decided to stay with the opposite sex for such activities and relationships. When it just “didn’t stick”, despite all efforts.
by wbonaventura December 30, 2022
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Referring to going into passive mode in the rockstar blockbuster title GTA 5 which grants the person who selected it the ability to not be harmed by anyone attacking them at the price that they can not inflict damage upon anyone else as well.

This is referencing someone who has beef with someone but is hiding from the heat and avoiding conflict even though they created the issue by screwing someone over in the first place.

The person that went into passive is scared for their life and most likely went to the police to avoid being caught by the opposition they started conflict with.
Goon 1
“Soon as I showed up at his house with the strap he went into passive bro “
Goon 2
“Damn he went into passive? I thought he was about it”
by KilogramSam October 5, 2020
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What you say to your friends when you were out with a hooker (punting) and you don't want them to know.
"What have you been doing in the past few minutes?"

"I went out with Ruby"
by Prajin the Turtle March 27, 2017
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Sentence when you take a girl out to Nando’s who you want to smash there back doors in
by JackingD December 27, 2022
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5: tyrant phalaris prank
4: man eating a bat and starting a pandemic
3: nuking Hiroshima
2: Hitler starting WW2
1: 9/11
What are ones that I miss on the list? Any other pranks that went too far?
by Epicgamer33 August 11, 2022
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Feeling crazy enough to put all your standards aside and and just do it.
Feeling crazy enough to put all your standards aside and and just do it.

Sandi: Bro! Yesterday at the club this Thai chick pulled me into the bathroom and kept telling me to put it in her ass. I wondered why the hell she wanted it in her ass so bad. While I was banging her I decided to give her a little finger in the front and she had a cock!

Me: So what did you do?

Sandi: Im crazy bro, I paused then thought...FUCK IT, I went ALBANIAN on that ass.

ME: Hahahaha you dirty f*ck
by Enanac848586 October 16, 2013
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Wenting is an artistic and smart girl who likes to procrastinate and look out for others. Like a typical asian, she is up for challenge and loves mathematics. She is an inspiring person and would be a great mother!
by factsyall November 23, 2021
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