A term for female masturbation that originated in US Navy boot camp. Ricky being slang for recruit and fishing meaning the act of fingering oneself. See also: Ricky boxing
Jill was caught ricky fishing while everyone else ate lunch.
by Heroin Bob May 1, 2015
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The Red Ricky is when you bone a girl in the shower while she is on her period.
Guy 1: Yo I heard Eric The Red Ricky with Meg last week.
Guy 2: Awe dude that's wicked. What an absolute pussy slayer.
by slatt223 April 30, 2020
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When you have sex with a drunk woman, even if consensual
Dude #1: Yo bro, my man’s just pulled a Ricky

Dude #2: oh nahh no way he pulling a Ricky
by Glo gang terms April 8, 2022
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