Cured Eel Strips
Gotta get the bacon of the sea up on my plate, my mouth waters for that sweet salty eel goodness.
by thesleepyeel March 11, 2017
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Slang for "Yes"
Guy/Girl/hermaphrodite: Do you want to get some food?
You: Put on my Bacon.
by Jimmy Gobulcoq June 23, 2013
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Scouse term for bacon on toast
How are we love can I have 2 bacon ons with brown sauce
by Skettybumlol May 6, 2021
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The unfortunate crossing of a womans meat curtains and werewolf pussy, creating a hairy,meaty mess.
Well we where really getting hot and heavy then I took her panty's off and realized she had a bacon bush and immediately walked out.
by Dr_PigFinger December 30, 2021
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The bacon pancakes effect is the growing lack of mental capabilities which slowly effects any and all who interviene in discord conversations within the confines of the titular server.
Hey John, how've you been this fine day?
Dude gtfo with the genocide jokes already im done. Done!
Wtf's wrong with you?
Do you seriously not remember last time we talked, it started witth casual normie bullshit and ended in genocide, im not into it Jack, piss off.
Dat bacon pancakes effect tho.
by ShikBlue October 18, 2017
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