en kille som vill ta sitt liv och har ett heroin missbruk
Elias, tjena frans

Frans, heroiiiiin
by WoodiestToast64 September 16, 2020
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A Fran is a person who is known for his negative outlook upon life, someone who is rarely disappointed, but sadly, very rarely pleasantly surprised. He puts a lot of effort into the relationship and isn't a jerk like most guys.

A Fran is a person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. If someone is more talented than Fran they say their work isnt as good as anyone thinks or they are just lucky.
Jamie: Today u woke up like Fran
by Cristus November 23, 2021
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A Fran is a person who is known for his negative outlook upon life, someone who is rarely disappointed, but sadly, very rarely pleasantly surprised. He puts a lot of effort into the relationship and isn't a jerk like most guys.

A Fran is a person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. If someone is more talented than Fran they say their work isnt as good as anyone thinks or they are just lucky.
Jamie: Today u woke up like Fran
by Cristus November 23, 2021
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sexy milf with tits the size of kellis moms and she is super hot and does bloomington butt bombs with me and b provius and we eat jizzy cum turds and she is attractive and gets railed by shep’s 2 inch punisher and by adam gallucci is a nigger faggot cum slave pussy shit ass toots crap fuck
To have sex with fran it costed me a toot and a fart
by Foebapmctweaknem January 5, 2021
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fran is a cutie patootie. he loves monkey 😳

fran is always a good friend.
someone : whos that?
me : thats fran, hes an amazing friend.
by tobyveryepic October 10, 2021
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Frans was a six-foot-four Norse warrior with a muscular build, long light-brown hair, and a bushy beard. He wore chainmail armor, a leather tunic, and carried a large battle axe and a wooden shield decorated with intricate designs.

Frans was known for his calm and collected demeanor on the battlefield, along with his strategic thinking and loyalty to his comrades. He had earned a fearsome reputation as one of the most skilled warriors in his clan, and his enemies trembled at the sound of his name.
Watch out! It's Frans!
Woah, look at his phsyique. He must be a Frans.
by Henryisadumbass May 2, 2023
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This guy, he gets all the girls. He knows how to treat the "lady's " on the off chance you find him not hitting up girls, je is there for his friends. Always tries to strive for the perfect balance, as all things should be.
Have you met Frans ? Yeah watch out for your mom sister or girlfriend, cus he's too attractive
by Beepboopbliep November 22, 2021
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