A very cherry tart flavored lollipop with a bubblegum center.

Also a great nickname for a gal pal ☺️
On Fridays I give Ceseley a Tutsi pop for all her hard work at the cafe.
by Donvito2112 April 3, 2022
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drunkin blackman being rolled over, and or falling down a hill
bitch wife rolls their drunk black husband over on the couch

by MysteriousMr.Ree January 7, 2009
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When one has been executed by someone via the machete method.
Boy 1 - "Those motherfuckers Tutsi-ed my ass in Resident Evil. Why the fuck is this shit in Africa and not in Afghanistan where they have missiles?"

Boy 2 - "Because Africa has many bitches to kill and hack away!"

Boy 3 - "YA BOI!!!!!!!!!"
by fasmaun January 10, 2011
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To be hacked to death with a machete. Bonus points if you die in central Africa.
800,000 brothas and sistas got Tutsi-ed all up and down in 1994.
by Con Dheadle July 22, 2010
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