A guy who is very sweet. He knows how to steal a girls heart. Some Sheldon's are jerks but most are nice. He is sexy and hard to not fall in love with.
He is so nice! His name must be Sheldon!
by HeyTabatha May 1, 2012
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A TV character on the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory", or a perfect example of geeks/nerds can be hot.....
"Do you think Sheldon on BBT is hot?"
"Yeah, I mean, didn't you notice the bulge he has on the episode where he was stripped"
by ConExcel December 18, 2009
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sheldon:a crisp bojangleas
by boganles April 24, 2018
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A person who does not have the cognitive ability to read the room.

A person who does not know when to shut the fuck up and when to talk.
-- Albert and John at a funeral of John´s father --

Albert: So Albert, we should hit the party tonight
John: Jeez Albert, you are a sheldon

-- Troy at a fast food restaurant with friends eating --

Troy: This sauce is more like body fluids and this meat looks like human feces and...
Everyone: (Interrupting him) JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, We are eating SHELDON!!
by matin69 July 13, 2023
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a complete piece of shit . run away if u have a friend called sheldon , he's dangerous .
'hey , who's he ? he seems nice'
'u mean sheldon ? no , he isn't '
'why do u say that ?'
'he's abusive , a bad person . don't ever trust him'
by jellojelly June 13, 2020
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