Most often used by people on social media sites other than reddit (ex. YouTube, Twitch, Instagram) when they are trying to r/woooosh someone, but don’t realize r/woooosh has 4 (O) letters.
Bob: Batman is my favorite avenger
Billy: Batman... is not an avenger...
Bob: r/woosh
Billy: You mean r/woooosh?
Bob: .....
Billy: You’re an idiot
by SamuraiChen February 25, 2021
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r/wooosh is used when somebody doesn’t get a joke that somebody else has said and tries to be all KNOW IT ALL about it. Then somebody else would say r/woooosh.
Guy 1: oh my god I would die for ice cream right now.
Guy 2: geez, thats quite dramatic
Guy 1: R/WOOSH
by Imvscogirl. SKSKSKSKSK September 25, 2019
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Response to anyone outside of Reddit using r/woosh, it signifies that by doing so you are a true clown. It can be used preemptively or as a counter or follow-up to r/woosh.
Mostly seen on TikTok being used by real gamers to call out salty fake gamers and Fortnite plebs.
Fake gamer: "This video is fake af lol!"

Real gamer: woosh r/🤡

Fake gamer maybe you should look up rwoosh before you use it. r/wooooosh!

Real gamer: 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏 exactly what I thought, TY!!!
by @Console_Harmony August 17, 2019
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this word is a word said to people that don't get sarcasm.

The word relates to subreddit with the same name. The subreddit is full of these examples.

Example: person 1 "1/4 men get pregnant when they don't mean to. Person 2" Men can't get pregnant". Person 1 "r/woosh".
Example: person 1 "1/4 men get pregnant when they don't mean to. Person 2" Men can't get pregnant". Person 1 "r/woosh".
by Gifhga November 12, 2018
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