n. one who pussies out when it comes to fucking because they have absolutely no clue what the fuck they are doing.
Billy got so excited when he started to kiss Judy, that he pulled a douche ninny and looked like a complete douche fuck.
by rk May 6, 2004
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A person who exceeds the limits of douche baggery. Often times used to describe the most hated person in a class or group of people.
Mike drank all my booze and didn't pay a dime for it. He's such a douche hatted fuck monkey
by Kidl154 September 10, 2014
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After a man ejaculates inside of a woman's vagina, she runs to the toilet and pushes it out as much as possible.
Quick, use my shirt for a fuck douche. You better not fuck douche on my stomach.

You better not fuck douche on my stomach.
by UserMKnight August 15, 2015
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Generally an Alpha Male. Selfish prick holes. Thinks of ways to benefits oneself and leaves others in the ditch bloodied and pissed. The biggest of douches and fuck sticks.
“Tank your ex was a real douche dick fuck stick!”

“Herbs, you have had your fair share of douche dick fuck sticks this year 😒.”
by Forbesgirlgolfers November 6, 2019
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