Using the thumb to rub the clitoris while using a finger to stimulate the g-spot or the u-spot
Yo, I was giving my girl the chip Chip Chop Riverwalk last night and she squirted all over my bed.

I took home this fine sweet honey from the club a few weeks ago, gave her the Chip Chop Riverwalk, and she's been calling me everyday for some more.
by Rockinsquare007 November 21, 2016
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A worn out pussy that has been used and abused from years in the porn industry, working the streets, or just because the girl is a dirty, dirty whore. It is referred by this name due to the pink and white marble colors that resemble the look of America's most loved lunch meat. =P
Did you see that girl in that porn last night? Her pussy was soo beat up it looked like Chipped Chopped Ham!
by Dalton B. Mangrum March 13, 2008
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