Brovids are the few friends you hang with, without wearing a mask because they practice great hygiene and protect themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic. No social distancing required.
Did you just hug that dude and you aren't even wearing a mask? Oh it's cool, that's my Brovid.
by ShabdaRider1 June 21, 2020
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The male version of COVID. Much more debilitating than any female version. Moaning and groaning are common symptoms. First line treatment is work note, second line therapy is increased attention.
Looks like a case of Tylenol-resistant Brovid, notify the CDC stat.
by GhostOfThrockmorton January 1, 2021
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when your bro provides for you and you didnt expect it
Joe ' hey Dan got u takeaway'
*Dan opens bag*

Dan ' I only asked for Big Mac '
Joe ' I know got u Fanta as well'
Dan 'Thanks man you paid extra money
Joe ' Thats cool fam i just brovide'
by portinib February 14, 2016
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