1. Some crazy guy on the Internet that's been around for awhile. Used to post at guestbooks regularly now has profiles on different sites. JTV being one.
2. Combo of three things: A conjunction, conjunctivitis, and St. Vitus' Dance.
No real reason for the combo except it sounded cool
Man, Conjunction Vitus sure was typeative the other day.
Yep, that sounds like him!
by Trent Kuver February 26, 2009
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Ginger kids are born with a desise witch causes verry light skin, red hair and freckles. This desise is called ginger vitus, and it occurs because ginger kids have no souls. Kids that have ginger vitus can not be cured. Because there skin is so light, ginger kids must avoid the sun, not unlike vampires. Some people have red hair but not light skin and freckles. These people are called day-walkers.
"I feel sorry for that kid over there, he has no soal so he got ginger vitus"
by Notposs January 19, 2006
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Ginger kids are born with a desise witch causes verry light skin, red hair and freckles. This desise is called ginger vitus, and it occurs because ginger kids have no souls. Kids that have ginger vitus can not be cured. Because there skin is so light, ginger kids must avoid the sun, not unlike vampires. Some people have red hair but not light skin and freckles. These people are called day-walkers.
"I feel sorry for that kid over there, he has no soal so he got ginger vitus"
by Notposs January 22, 2006
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The mysterious loss of a tooth or teeth.
I took a bite out of my sandwich and out came a tooth! Damn you, ninja-vitus
by Lutra Tata August 17, 2011
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Bitch-o-vitus is a disease that Only girls can get (also trans girls). The Symptoms of bitch-o-vitus are being a bitch about everything and complayining about nothing and denying that your a bitch
by Ash McCormick June 2, 2021
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Bitch-o-vitus is a disease that Only girls can get (also trans girls). The Symptoms of bitch-o-vitus are being a bitch about everything and complayining about nothing and denying that your a bitch
by Ash McCormick June 2, 2021
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