Sitting in a way reminiscent of Don Draper in the iconic Mad Men logo. Leaning back, arm outstretched along the back of a chair or couch, holding a cigarette.
Sir, your 10 o'clock's arrived and he's draping in the lobby.
by Awolagent July 1, 2012
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To drag or forcibly remove someone from where they are, usually a vehicle or a chair. Usually followed by a par of some sort, generally the removal of ones belongings, although being drapes'd is a par in its own right.

Made popular by Tempa T in song Next Hype.

"Man went toilet and came back and one fossy was in my seat. So obviously I had to drapes man."
by El-Negro September 25, 2011
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The hanging meaty area of a female’s vagina
It was a cold winter evening with my wife and my penis was cold, it was ok after we started having sex because she had them drapes.
by Nipple Knockers October 15, 2021
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The act of straightening your pubic hair in order to have it drape over your genitals.
Dude, my girlfriend walked in on my draping last night!
by Gabesauce March 17, 2011
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Antiquated term for suit or clothing, especially a zoot suit. Used in popular film Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez by main character Henry.
How do you like my drapes?
by GhettoSuperstar March 8, 2005
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The act of a female lightly dangling their floppy labia on someone's face. This is the female equivalent of teabagging.
That girl drapes everybody when they pass out.
by PootPoot June 28, 2014
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When one gangster covers half of their face with their long gangsterish hair.
Snoop Dawg says, "Wow, damn girl! you's draping!"
by NiggerWalrus August 4, 2009
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