Literally "The fuck shut up."

This is how Yoda, from Star Wars, would say "STFU."
Yoda: "No. Try not. Do . . . or do not. There is no try. And TFSU!"
by Nathan Daniels August 23, 2007
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The manner in which Yoda would tell someone to Shut the Fuck Up online.

Used to silence (and out-nerd) someone in an argument with obscurism.
TFSU, there is no try.
by cellocello August 23, 2007
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Acronym for how Yoda would say STFU
You may print when ready... of noes... TFSU
by Jesus Phone August 23, 2007
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The Fuck Shut Up. Reference to stfu as how Yoda would say it.

It was originally coined in a gizmodo article regarding the iPhone. The picture showed Yoda talking to Luke Skywalker
Luke: Ok, I will give it a try.
Yoda: No. Try Not. Do... or do not. There is no try. and TFSU
by Rick Weber August 23, 2007
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Abbreviation for "the fuck shut up". As Plato once spoke through the character of Socrates to give us the cave allegory, Jesus Diaz of has spoken through Yoda to tell Luke Skywalker to TSFU.
persons A, B, and C: "The new iPod will look fantastic next to our iPhones and iMacs!"
person X: "TFSU! You guys are all Apple fanboys"
by taipeileviathan August 23, 2007
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STFU in the parlance of Yoda. Acronym for "the fuck shut up."
"Stupid your argument is. TFSU you should." - Yoda
by JoshVan August 23, 2007
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STFU Yoda Style, meaning "The Fuck Shut Up."
Luke: OK, I will give it a try.
Yoda: No. Try not. Do... or do not. There's no try... and TFSU!
by Gizmodo August 23, 2007
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