i got it off shiznet but now it has the deffinision of cool
m&ms are the shizle miniz
by C.J. July 9, 2004
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Originated from "Scary Movie 3" (2003), this term used to indicate panic, dismay or grief.
O shizl gzngahr, there is an earthquake going on!
by Dankie97 July 21, 2021
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Originated from "Scary Movie 3" (2003), the term is used to indicate dismay or grief.
O shizl gzngahr, % + 7, , 193419 ckin etd vaus erstn gubl chn q shnitzi guorsn blkn (, , 18 469 - Ross Giggins
by Dankie97 July 21, 2021
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snoop dogg('s'hizle='s'noop)(double 'g'izzle= 'gg', the double g makes the two g's in dogg)
Snoop Dogg- "Ladies lets go to my bedroom."
Hoes- "OK, lets go Shizle Double Gizzle!"
by captaindann May 12, 2004
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#1: Check out dis new playa'

#2: Wow, man! Dat's a B-bobbin shizle biscuit!
by Natch September 24, 2003
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