blasting music out of your bedroom, usually alone..
"whatcha doing tonight?"
"im in a bad mood, just gonna have a cave rave"
by madbrendan December 27, 2010
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The result of 2014 Regina homecoming in the senior hallway. - DKG
Luke Gallagher- Hey you remember the rave in the cave

Jake Brinkman- Yeah we were on fire.

get it cause the alarm went off...
by TheDKG October 5, 2014
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a gathering of selected party members, whom refuse to go to bed when the clubs pour them out at silly o'clock.

Key items needed are..
1. Some Decks/tunes/Dj's
2. Some mad raving loons to dance in the dingy depths of the cave
3. Candy
4. Horses
"Yeah, so i got home at about 3 the next afternoon, fair messy, fair sleep deprived."

"Who was there?"

"Well ya know, just the usual horses, just horsing around"

"Aaaah ya gotta love the cave rave"
by tarajane April 30, 2007
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