abbreviation for "poop on my face".

It started as a phrase said in times of exasperation between two friends in a suburban area of upstate new york. Since then, it has spread like the swine flu. It can be seen sported on t-shirts worn by only the coolest high school students.
Person one: Ughhhhhhhhh I have to study for an AP test. POMF!
Person two: aw man, yes, POYF!
by dontpomf January 3, 2010
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I was at work the other day, it was five o’clocj and I wanted too go home so I told everyone pomf see you in the morning !
by Wenderz March 7, 2021
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A day where all the pomfs (for people who don't know, just very fluffy furries or fluffy in general) get together and celebrate being a pomf and spread the happiness to others around them. This day begins on April 21st
Pomf 1: "oh hey it's national pomf day!"
Pomf 2: "heck yeah! Let's celebrate by cheering up all of our friends!"
Pomf 1 and pomf 2 then proceed to spread the joy to their friends who need some joy in these trying tomes
by Pomf_Man-42 April 18, 2021
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