A comedic-acoustic band from just south of Boston. Focuses on fart jokes and physical humor.
Did you see the Kings of Chaos show last night? I heard it sucked.
by Word-smith1 September 5, 2009
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best online gmae ever. it f****** rulz.

play it. or die. its that easy
Kings of chaos is so awesome

LS is the worst KoC player
by james doe March 22, 2005
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A sucky game compared to Outwar! Outwar requires cognative abitity to play but Kings of Chaos does not. A rip off of Outwar!
by Josh Miller July 17, 2004
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When you express to friends about your lack of a sex life so they perform a eulogy to lay your sex life to rest. The Prince part comes in when they end up Pullin a Danny. Then a eulogy is performed for your dream sex life as well shortly after.
A King/Prince Chaos was performed due to my disappointing and non-existent sex life.
by Pulling a Danny April 2, 2023
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High Level Furry, and fat incubator known for crushing his opponents with his massive ass crack. He is most commonly seen in a racist representation of Blue Face, due to his resentment for the blue man group. He is also known to have sexual relations to the skeletons of any furries he has killed.
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