A slang made by the Angry Video Game Nerd. It's a more powerful, and comical way of saying "What the hell." It can be used by someone other than the Nerd to show their confusion and frustration of something.
Originally, the story of Dragonball starts with Goku, a kid living in the woods all by himself, but in Dragonball Evolution, Goku starts his adventure as a teenager at high school! What in the holy mother of ass is that all about?!
by Hillstar December 18, 2009
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When your dog, in order to scratch his ass, drags it across the carpet with his front paws up as if he is riding a motorcycle.
"Hey man -- check out my dog - he's got a bad case of assholykisselitis (ass/holy/kiss/e/lite/is). He looks like he's riding a motorcycle across the carpet."
by Black Turner December 13, 2013
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