Bitch ass nigga...he get a little bitches but they below averages...but he still cool just get treated badly without any reaction...and his bitch gets fucked on the daily
Guy 1: Deonte shut ya bitch ass up nobody was talking to you

Deonte: (Says nothing)

Bitch Nigga: Deonte you jus gon let that slide

Deonte: Shutup bitch leave me alone (only talks back to bitch niggas)
by Pussypopper17 March 13, 2017
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A annoying person always loud and moving. Not attractive at all
You are such Deonte!
by queenrichie16 March 2, 2017
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A funny, lovable, caring individual; Who loves to laugh and crack jokes;
Usually plays football and has a tight circle;Hes cute and many girls like him
Is best friends with a Christina because they are socially compatible and are different in many ways.

Opposites Attract!
You see that boy over there?
Who, Deonte?
Yea, he's so cute i think i like him!!!
by heydude777 October 12, 2013
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