A narly snarly skunk smelling skunt/cum fueled/quieff smelling/greasy/repulsive/cum dumpster/disease ridden/2bit prick son of a bitch.
"Kachina is a fucking cum guzzling thunder cunt. i would kill her in her sleep"

"Mallory"now this bitch is the biggest cum guzzling thunder cunt i have ever meet she can die in a hole"

"Have you seen the new school slut? Oh yeah Derick that cum guzzling thunder cunt, I'm gonna scalp that mother fucker!"
by cumguzzlingthundercunt666 October 3, 2013
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A variation of cum guzzling thunder cunt made to be even more insulting by adding the fact that you work on OBT (Orange Bolssom Trl. in Orlando) which is know around Central FL for it's vast numbers of prostitutes
Kid 1: Dude your such a douche!
Kid 2: Well, your a cum guzzling thunder cunt
Kid 1: Your an OBT cum guzzling thunder cunt
Kid 2:............
by CarbonTheory June 1, 2009
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A girl who is a huge THOT through out the work area.
Bill: your a crusty cum guzzling thunder cunt !
by Goblinqueen March 9, 2017
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When that one friend has pushed their shit waaaaaayyyyyy too far. Call them this, it'll shut them right up.
*Unwitty argument, you slowly grow tired of their shit* "Oh just shut up, you Cum Guzzling Thunder-Cunt" *Silence ensues*
by sgfminecraft00 October 7, 2017
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