Full of wanna be country boys and preppy bitches and guys who trade trucks every 30 days bc they aren’t happy w anything.
Bremen Georgia has shitty people and dumb ass teenagers
by Communitydick101 July 20, 2022
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New bremen is town where there is so many goody two shoes that are dumb asf. There’s some kids that aren’t, like COLLIN HURLEY. #FREEHURLEY beyke a bitch
by Skanky New Bremen February 16, 2022
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A place so small that people who live nearby don't even know it exists. Fewer people live there than when it was founded. See also: Mayberry
A: Where do you live?
B: In Bremen, Ohio.
A: Where?
B: South of Lancaster, Ohio.
A: Where?
B: Fuck it. Mayberry. I live next door to Andy Griffith.
by Z is for zeb-bra February 19, 2016
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Ein deutscher Fußballclub, der, aus irgendeinem Grund den keiner weiß, immer noch in der Bundesliga spielt, obwohl er, von der spielerischen Leistung her, eigentlich in die Regionalliga gehört. Fast schon vergleichbar mit dem HSV
Werder Bremen ist mal wieder auf dem letzten Platz ,

Werder Bremen hat 0:6 gegen Bayern München verloren
by eemwi January 2, 2017
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