the stupidest speak ever invented.....only nerds talk like that.
i am a loser cuz i speak 1337 speak.
standard english version: i am a loser because i talk in the 1337 speak.
by funky boogers June 27, 2006
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talking in a way that places numbers in the place of certian letters
1 = l or i
2 = R
3 = b
4 = A
5 = S
6 = G
7 = T
0 = O
"h0ly sh1t 1 ju5t pwn3d that n00b!"
by sylen.emu June 6, 2003
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To put it simply, someone who is the pwn (owns other people) or who thinks they are anyway.
I pWn j00 4ll! ph3aR ME!
by amelia October 11, 2004
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Doesn't 1337 speak come from Counter-Strike 1.6?
Google 1337 Krew :)
From there we started using nub and n00b, and h4x and the language evolved...
You could often interchange characters for the same meaning:
7h475 6234t / th4t5 6r34t / thats great -- or n!nj4 / |\|1|\|j4 / n1nj4 -- you get it..
1 u53 1337 5p43k 1!k3 7h15 1337 speak
by roboturner October 7, 2015
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