Matt Damon: "Hey Ben Affleck, it's December 12th!"

Ben Affleck: You're right! Let me go down to Petsmart and give a kitty a smooch right on the forehead :)"
by ahoyspongeboy October 16, 2019
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National kick your ginger friend day!!! If you have a ginger friend you can kick them for the whole day.
Girl: hey are u ginger!!!
Ginger: ya
Girl: Guess what it’s December 12 (KICK)
by not a ginger December 12, 2019
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Even though this day has to do with sex, the boy/girl born on this day are very HOLY CHILDREN (not rlly) but overall they are handsome (pretty) and most of the time have gorgeous blue eyes! People born on this day have either over protective parents or not protective enough! They crave affection and attention but are to scared to ask!
Kid 1: hey what day are you born on?
Kid 2: December 12
Kid 1: Really man! Not surprised your eyes are gorgeous!
by Dill..pickle October 16, 2019
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national e girl day, everybody should wear black clothing, chains, and doc martins
bro it’s december 12 get on them doc martins
by shreks titties October 15, 2019
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National Baby Yoda Day
You must participate in one of these activities:
•draw baby yoda's brother/sister!
•put baby yoda on your school bag!
•do a baby yoda dance!
•dress like baby yoda!
•make baby yoda memes ONLY!
•praise baby yoda!(must)
Joe: Hey Bro it's december 12th!
Yuri:what's on december 12th?
Joe: it's national baby yoda day!
by Rdeolb December 9, 2019
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