A word used in social media to comment on posts that share the same opinion as the user. However, this often leads to full scale wars in the comment sections.
X: I like '...'
Y: Based 'X'
by OfficialGeorge February 15, 2022
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A adjective often used to compliment (or ironically draw attention to) an idea, a person, or group of people that display conservative or traditional ways of thinking. The opposite of “woke.”
Ben Shapiro is so based!

Jim supports the second amendment and wants to end the welfare state?? That’s based.

I realized church was based when they denounced pride month in support of the nuclear family.
by jt27 July 12, 2021
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Short for based in reality or based in science. Often hijacked and used incorrectly by lefties just like the slang term woke was.
I just found this unbiased YouTube channel called Breaking Points. Totally based.
by Archangel999 February 5, 2023
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Adjective. Meaning the concerned act is something positive for society, perhaps something that even deserves praise. In gaming world, is used as the antonym of "broken".
I mean, shooting sexual predators is lowkey based. It makes sense he was found guilty of none.
by not_zub November 21, 2021
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Adjective. Meaning the concerned act is something positive for society, perhaps something that even deserves praise. In gaming world, is used as the antonym of "broken".
I mean, shooting sexual predators is lowkey based. It makes sense he was found guilty of none.
by not_zub November 21, 2021
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How the retards at 4chan say "best".

There's no more to it than that, the other definitions you see are how the term got bastardized over the years. The reason you see "based" in online conversations all of the time now is because many started using it immediately after the Fappening.
"Remember the Fappening?"

"Yeah, OP was based."
by PathToExile January 1, 2021
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How the retards on 4chan say "the best".

This definition has been bastardized over the last several years and now people think that some rapper coined the term...well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but "based" is just an intentionally mispronunciation of "best".
"Remember The Fappening?"

"Fuck yeah, OP was based."
by PathToExile July 31, 2021
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