a private, all-girls catholic high school in los angeles where the girls DON'T throw away their college funds and still receive an amazing education. everyone actually gets along. nda girls are beautiful, talented (one of the best drama departments in the country), and wear adorable uniforms. they're also like 10 times smarter than the marymount girls bc they actually LEARN in school. rival schools call it notre dyke because of the number of lesbians in the school, though a muchhh larger majority of the girls are straight.
-dude #1: hey dude #2, i heard that marymount girl stood u up
-dude #2: yeah im sad bro
-dude #1: my notre dame academy girls high school gf is gorgeous
-dude #2: so was my marymount gf...
-dude #1: ya but my nda gf is gorgeous AND smart
-dude #2: damn! introduce me to her friends!!
by thelasource September 21, 2009
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A high school in which only girls attend. All the girls are beautiful, smart, and much much better in everyway then moore, villa, hill, sea, and all public schools. Usually like to party, but also know when to stop.
Mark: My girl goes to Notre Dame Academy High School S.I .
Dennis: My girl goes to Hill, let me see a picture of you girl?
*Shows picture*
Dennis: WOAH! Shes goregous!

Mark: she also is a party animal, and smart.
Dennis: Introduce me to her friends!
by Golden Eyes November 15, 2011
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After a man cums inside of a woman on her period, let the peppermint swirl creampie slide out into the man’s palm - then sling shot it into the woman’s mouth. She will be satisfied and the nearest 700 year old cathedral will spontaneously ignite.

Best if prepared “to-go” in a high speed train bathroom.
“No cafes were open so I had to make my girlfriend a Hunchsnack of Notre Dame to-go. Sucks about the church.”
by Hunchburn April 26, 2019
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The girls at Notre Dame Prep are so salty. Why? because every girl in high school has salt radiating of there skin
by Renwashere May 16, 2019
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a ghetto ass white bitch stank ass school that smells like white people, money, and spray tans and everyone is racist and homophobic. all the girls look the same except for the three POC in each grade because everyone is white because they are racist. the girls all think they hot shit but they all got shitty blonde highlights and orange ass skin and thin ass lips. the nuns are all bad people who rape girls. fat girls are not welcome at this school. it has an ugly ass uniform for its ugly ass students and if u don’t fit the social norm
the teachers won’t like u bc the teachers only like the popular girls because they were lonely ass losers back in their highschool days and want to redeem their self esteem as a 50 year old fat woman teaching little racists. do not go to this school it’s ghetto and the definition of white trash.
brad: “yo u see that trash ass white skank that’s calling that black person the n word?”

adam: “yeah i know her, she goes to notre dame prep..”

brad: “what a loser.”
by sister joan🚫🧢 August 10, 2021
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the private school in phoenix that if strictly for openly gay students
oh tyler goes to notre dame prep? i didn’t know he was gay.
by skarm June 25, 2022
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